About Us
Chestnuts is one big family with staff who have worked together for many years. We create a homely environment for our children full of love and laughter. We celebrate diversity, respect one another and promote kindness in all that we do.

Learn and Grow
Chestnuts aims to provide children with opportunities that will support and promote their development through the Early Years Foundation Stage in a safe, stimulating and caring environment that embodies our philosophy of child-centred, inclusive practice.
All children need a wide range of activities and experiences that can be planned and tailored to their stage of development and individual needs. These activities should stimulate their interest and encourage investigation as well as enabling them to practice existing skills and to acquire new ones.

Support Throughout
Our settings are designed and resourced to provide a calm, cosy environment with authentic, natural, open-ended resources and a focus on the outdoors.
Each child at Chestnuts is allocated a member of staff who will become their Key Worker. This person will be your main point of contact and will be responsible for updating your child’s records. These on line records will contain examples of your child’s work, notes from observations, photographs and records of progress. You can access all of this information remotely.